These discounts cannot be used with any other discount and cannot be used for special events including the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. Submit your written request a minimum of 10-days prior to your visit. All of these discounted rates require P RE-APPROVAL. All discount rate requests are subject to the review and approval of the Pikes Peak Manager or Designee. Pikes Peak - America's Mountain offers a special group rate to official military training, education and scout discounted rates. All access is weather permitting and subject to posted hours of operation. Please note: All pass holders must present their unique barcode at the time of entry.

Valid for the North Slope Recreation Season - to May 1 through 3rd Sunday in Oct.Pass may be shared with friends and/or relatives.Card does not permit travel above the Catamount Reservoirs.One punch per each adult 16 years and older.Call 71 and talk to a Ranger to get the discount code. Must have purchased a Premier Vehicle Pass in the preceding year to receive discount. Promotion valid with a current year pass purchase. A discount of $10 for the first two years and $5 for the third year will be given for renewed passes in consecutive years.Valid up to 5 passengers, additional fees apply for more passengers.Pass expires one year from date of purchase.

Must have purchased a Premier Individual Pass the preceding year to receive discount.